ABS Injection molding

Automotive parts

Advantages of ABS injection molding
ABS is a good material when you need both strength and durability with temperature resistance. Its one of the most widely used plastic across different industries due to its low cost
- Good dimension stability
- Heat resistance
- Impact resistance
- Easy to machine
- Can be made Flame and UV retardant
ABS Injection molding grades
We help you make ABS injection molded parts with the properties you need
Standard ABS grades
- General grade ABS
- High impact ABS
- High flow ABS
- Transparent ABS
Special ABS grades
- Fire retardant ABS
- UV grade ABS
- Glass filled ABS
Finishing options for ABS parts
Wide color range
Product texture
Design guidelines for ABS Injection molding
Minimum wall thickness for ABS parts
A minimum wall thickness of 1.2mm to a maximum of 3mm should be maintained for ABS parts. Lower wall thickness will cause filling issues while higher wall thickness will cause sink marks on the part
Uniform wall thickness
A uniform wall thickness should be maintained throughout the part to ensure smooth flow of material. Inconsistent wall thickness will hamper filling
Draft angles
Sharp corners
A fillet has to be added in all sharp corners to ensure easy flow of material
Comparison of Injection molded plastics