Jewelry plays a very important role in woman’s life. It is a symbol of feminity and social status. It makes a woman feel beautiful and confident about herself. Over the years jewelry has been made out of gold, silver, diamond, rubies and other expensive jewels. Did you ever think that you could print your favorite piece of jewelry and flaunt it someday? Sounds a like a dream, isn’t it? But it is no more a dream. The times when 3d printed jewelry sounded like an idea from a sci-fi movie are over. More and more jewelry designers print their designs today. Since 3d printed jewelry looks and feels exactly like traditionally casted objects, it is on the verge of becoming mainstream.

3d printed jewelry
What are the latest 3d printing technologies used to make 3d printed jewelry?
For creating 3d printed jewelry in gold, silver, bronze, copper, and brass, we use Lost-Wax Printing and Casting. This technology builds upon modern 3d printing technology as well as traditional metal casting.
- Designers create a 3d model out of wax.
- The wax mould is then encased in a plaster-like substance called investment.
- The investment is then heated to extreme temperatures, creating an impression.
- The impression is then filled with liquid precious metal to create the jewelry item.
What are the benefits of this technology?
3d printing is by far the best and most economical way to create 3d printed jewelry. It will produce a real, solid piece of jewelry with a smooth surface. Depending on your wishes, the object can also be finished manually with post-processing.
- The biggest advantage for jewelry designers is that they no longer need to worry about production.
- Another big advantage is that 3d files which are used in the method of processing can be easily edited. A 3d model can be printed as a plastic prototype first to check if the quality and design are correct. Changes can simply be made in the 3d modeling software. The final design can then be printed on the desired metal.
- 3d printing comes with an incredible amount of detail. Words can hardly do justice to this.
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